📌 GingerBrave's Travel Journal VLOG

📌 GingerBrave's Travel Journal VLOG

Plan With Me: GingerBrave's Travel Journal VLOG! 📝 Find out how GingerBrave plans and decorates his travel journal!

Hi, everybody! It's me! GingerBrave!

I've been so busy lately that I haven't
had the time to meet my Cookie friends!

So I'm going to go on an adventure to meet my friends!

So plan with me and
watch how I decorate my travel journal!

Thorough planning is essential for adventures!

I can't wait to see
Milk Cookie and Purple Yam Cookie!

I'm gonna build a campfire
and roast Stamina Jellies with them!!

I wouldn't want to miss Parfait Cookie's concert!

Will Rockstar Cookie and Mustard Cookie
come to the concert?

It would be awesome to meet them there!

Last but not least,
I'm gonna visit a nice cafe with Espresso Cookie!

Ha ha! Now that's how you plan a trip!

Now it's time to make a list of what to pack!

A passport,
Stamina Jelly,
a map,
and a ticket!

Ha ha! This list looks perfect!

Passport and ticket? Check!

Stamina Jelly... Check!

Lastly... a map! All done!

Wonder what's awaiting us...
(Hope we won't meet the Witch!)

Ha ha! Adventures await!

Now join me on this Brave Adventure
and meet lots and lots of Cookie friends!